46 Main Street, Fredericton 506-458-9452 admin@nashwaaksisunited.ca

Reaching out to each other, our neighbours, and to all God's people.

Nashwaaksis United Church

Sundays 10:30am
46 Main Street, Fredericton NB

Past Services

We record each Worship Service on Sunday so you can worship with us, catch up on what you might have missed.

About Nashwaaksis United

Learn more about our staff and council, what we believe in and how we strive to live our lives to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ to our community.

Worship Service

Our Worship Service is every Sunday morning at 10:30am. We offer programs for Children and Youth during the service.

Family and friends sharing time and talent to make a difference in the neighbourhood and the world.

Latest News & Updates

What’s Happening?

Mid-week Moment: Who Are We Forgetting?

Jesus had a way of seeing the people no one else noticed. In Luke 7:1-17, two stories unfold—one about a Roman centurion, an outsider to Israel, and the other about a grieving widow with no one to care for her. On the surface, they couldn’t be more different. The...

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🌾 Rediscover the Reason ✨

This Sunday at Nashwaaksis United Church (10:30 AM), we’ll journey through Jesus’ encounters with the religious leaders—where healing happened 🤲 and grain was gathered 🌾—but the deeper question remained: Have we lost sight of the “why” behind our faith? Join us as we...

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No Events

Our Mission

At Nashwaaksis United Church, our mission is to be a community of believers in Jesus Christ, focused on Scripture, and led by the Holy Spirit.  We are called to exemplify the life and love of Jesus Christ; to nurture our Christian faith through worship, study, fellowship, and service; and to be a caring people, reaching out to each other, our neighbours, and to all God’s people.


46 Main Street
Fredericton, New Brunswick
E3A 1C1

506-458-9452 (Church Office)
506-262-2150 (Rev. Richard's Cell)


Office Hours
Tuesday - Friday 9am to 2pm

Rev. Richard's Drop-in Office Hours

Tuesday & Thursday 10:00AM to 12:30 PM

We dedicate the revitalization of our online presence to the memory of the late Mary Hicks.  We are grateful for Mary’s personal estate bequest in support of the work and mission of Nashwaaksis United Church.