EASTER MESSAGE – Throughout this time of Lent, we have been reminded to act generously, express gratitude, pray for those who challenge us, share our faith, lean into loneliness, and finally to sacrifice – give what we cherish. As you reflect on the Easter message and the joy and hope that comes through the resurrection, we encourage you to be mindful of the struggles, challenges, and sacrifices that many in our community and beyond have to face along with the hope, joy, and inspiration they receive through the programs, services, and support by the work of many people in our church.
Our mission states “we are a community of believers in Jesus Christ…a caring people reaching out to each other, our neighbors, and all Gods people”. On the following dates: Mar 17, Mar 24 ( Palm Sunday), and 31 March ( Easter Sunday), you will find special Easter Offering envelopes available for pick up (if you choose), located on the tables in the vestibule. Envelopes may also be picked up from the office during scheduled hours. We invite you to use this envelope to make an Easter offering as an expression of support to our church, programs, and services provided to the congregation, our community, and beyond. Your envelope can be placed in the offering plate next week or returned to the church office. Thank you for your generosity.
Rob Burton, Chair Finance